public transportation

I felt sorry for my bus driver, she was having the worst day.  Here is what happened:

We had a full double bus going home on Thursday, I was listening to my iPod, reading a book when all of a sudden the people of the bus were all complaining.  What had happened was the bus forgot to take our exit off 520 onto I405, and we were now heading the wrong way.  I now know the fastest way to freak out a bus full of people, don’t exit the freeway when you should.  We got off on the next exit, took some back roads and got back on route down the I405.  (On the plus side, I learned a new back road around Redmond/Kirkland.)  Later, the poor driver forgot to stop when the bell was pulled and the people had to get off the bus through some small hedges.  And if that wasn’t enough, when we reached Woodinville, she announced to the bus that this was the last stop, well that freaked about 5 people out who were on the bus going to Duvall (the real last stop of the bus).  In the end, she missed one exit, one stop, and almost didn’t complete the route, it was not a good day for my bus driver…

Two hours, it took me two hours to get home on Friday on the 311.  Why, no reason, just traffic.  Traffic on I5, traffic on 520, then traffic on 405.  I have never seen so much traffic for no reason.  No accidents, no protests, no reasons for the pain in the butt Friday traffic.  The good news is if it hadn’t been for the HOV lanes it would have taken longer.  The bad news if I would have drove, I would have got out of the traffic and done something, anything to not be in traffic.  Thank god I had a thick book to read on the bus, if not… who knows.  This is two hours of my life I will not get back.